Nothing to see here, but if we have an abnormal closure this would be the place to check
Busted, worn-out gear? We can fix that!
Rocket Skate offers quality repairs on just about everything that has to do with hockey and skating. Unfortunately as gearmasters, we cannot fix your slapshot, improve your stride or help you land that pesky double axel. The people who fix those things are called coaches. However, if you have broken skate blades or holders, worn-out gloves, missing skate eyelets, popped a rivet, broken goalie straps, broken down skate boots, messed up velcro or overstreteched eleastic . . . we can replace your skate blades, re-palm your gloves, put in new eyelets, install rivets, sew or slide in new goalie straps, re-build your skates, and replace your velcro and or straps. Basically, if it's hockey or skating gear, we can fix it.

Protective Gear
Glove patching .................... from $5.00
Repalm one glove, clarino palm $31.99
Repalm pair, clarino palms........ $59.98
Repalm Goalie blocker............... $54.99
Replace gear strap .........typical $10.00
Sewing .................................. from $5.00
Basic Helmet parts ....... generally FREE
Goalie Leg Straps (standard) ..... $10.00
Goalie Leg Straps (sewn in) ....... $15.00

Hockey Skates
Steel Rivet .................................... $1.50
Copper Rivet ................................ $3.00
Basic Eyelet .................................. $3.00
Eyestay repair ................... from $24.00
Heatfitting ................................... $29.00
Boot Punch (composite) .. from $10.00
Replace Tendon Guard ............. $29.99
Install new tongues ................. $134.99
Replacement Runners ......from $89.00
Holder/Frame install .........from $33.00

Figure Skates
Blade Mounting (w/alignment) .. $49.00
Heatfitting .................................... $29.00
Boot Punching ...................... from $5.00
Blade Alignment .......................... $39.00
Replace lace hook ......................... $5.00
Repair eyestay .................... from $15.00
Re-pad Tongue ............................ $90.00
As we can fix pretty much any piece of gear, these pricelists are far from complete. Please stop in for an accurate quote. Simple repairs are done while you wait. Most repairs can be completed within 24 hours.